
How to Create Your Own Payment Gateway in 2024

Jan 08, 2024
5 min
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    With online merchants increasingly turning to third-party payment gateway providers for pay-ins and payouts, payment processing services have reached their zenith. If you’re interested in establishing your own payment gateway and capitalizing on it, we’ll guide you through the process step-by-step in this article. 

    However, before delving deeper, let’s clarify the main terms applicable to this topic.

    What is a payment gateway?

    A payment gateway is a “middleman” between clients and merchants. It is a software that makes online transactions possible by transmitting sensitive information from the client to the payment processing parties to safely deposit funds in the merchant account.

    Furthermore, a payment gateway does more than transmit data. First, it verifies that the customer has funds on their card, digital wallet, or any other payment method to cover the purchase. Then, it uses encryption technology to ensure the protection of sensitive information processed inside the system. Finally, a payment gateway protects the merchant from any possible fraud. Such systems typically have fraud and chargeback prevention systems to help clients avoid financial losses.

    Payment gateway vs merchant account

    A payment gateway is software that handles communication between the customer, the merchant, and the bank. In contrast, a merchant account is a specialized bank account that allows merchants to accept and process payments. Merchants can open an account directly via financial institutions. They can also do it with the help of payment service providers or payment gateway vendors providing merchant account services. When the merchant registers a merchant account, they acquire a Merchant Identification Number (MID) for processing electronic transactions.

    Payment gateway vs payment service provider

    A Payment Service Provider (PSP) refers to companies that provide various financial technology products. They typically include a payment gateway and additional tools to streamline the payment flow for merchants. PSPs act as payment gateway vendors that provide and maintain transaction processing software.

    In essence, while a payment gateway is an integral part of the payment process, PSP is a provider of a complex solution that may include various services beyond the gateway itself.

    Payment gateway development: Pros

    As the e-payments industry is currently at its peak, there are multiple advantages to developing a payment gateway. They include:

    Cost-efficiency in the long run

    The upfront expenses for software development may indeed hit your pocket. Yet, they can shield you from ongoing fees associated with using a third-party system over time. But you will still need to maintain and update the system yourself.

    Features tailored to your needs

    As there’s no “one size fits all” third-party payment processing solution, you may have to compromise in terms of features and integration. With your own payment gateway, you can develop specific features and integrations of your choice if you have enough expertise.

    Complete control over user experience

    The owners of payment processing software fully control transaction data and the user interface. Its analysis empowers you to identify shortcomings that hinder your users from a smooth and user-friendly purchasing experience, enabling you to address them.

    Edge in the market

    By developing a payment gateway, you have the flexibility to fine-tune it according to your specific requirements. Plus, you can craft a unique offering in the competitive FinTech market.

    Payment gateway development: Cons

    Developing your own payment gateway comes with certain disadvantages that you should consider. Here are some potential drawbacks:

    Development cost

    Payment gateway development can cost you an arm and a leg. It involves significant expenses such as salaries for the development team and specialists, infrastructure costs, security certification fees, and more.  Ultimately, they amount to hundreds of thousands of dollars. Therefore, independent development is not feasible for businesses operating on tight budgets.

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    Maintenance cost

    Since payment gateway maintenance is not a one-time thing but a continuous undertaking, staying abreast of security regulations, integrating new payment methods, and conducting routine software maintenance will become one of your top priorities in the highly competitive e-payments market. Therefore, when estimating the expenses of internally developed software, it’s essential to consider maintenance costs, which are usually approximately 20 percent of the initial development cost yearly.

    Time-consuming development

    Opting to develop software from the ground up requires a long-term commitment. Beyond investing time in the development process, you must also dedicate efforts to finding seasoned specialists with extensive expertise in software development, security protocols, and compliance with financial regulations. Therefore, building a payment gateway is a time-consuming process, potentially delaying your revenue-generating capabilities.

    PCI DSS certification

    Payment gateways must acquire essential security certifications to guarantee the protection of customers’ sensitive data. The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) is a mandatory certification. As the owner of a payment gateway, it is mandatory to certify your software in alignment with PCI DSS standards and undergo the renewal process annually, which is quite costly and complicated.

    PCI DSS Compliant Payment Gateway: What it is & Why it is Important
    Read now

    How to develop your own payment gateway?

    If, after evaluating all the pros and cons, you want to give payment gateway development a go, here is a general guide to help you understand the steps involved in it:

    1. Establish objectives and requirements

    Software development requires establishing goals and prerequisites for your system. Define its capacity, technologies, integrated banks, payment providers, and other critical details shaping the development process.

    1. Recruit a skilled development team

    The key to software success is your team. Assemble a team of professionals with software development, security, and compliance expertise, including developers, security specialists, and compliance experts.

    1. Choose technology stack

    Select the appropriate technology stack for your payment gateway. Consider programming languages, frameworks, infrastructure, and tools that align with your development goals and your team’s expertise.

    1. Design architecture

    Create a robust and scalable architecture for your gateway based on the expected transaction load. Define how different components will interact, ensuring efficient and secure data flow.

    1. Implement core features

    Develop the core features of your payment gateway, including payment processing, transaction authorization, error handling, and support for various payment methods such as credit cards, digital wallets, and bank transfers.

    1. Ensure system security

    Implement robust fraud prevention technologies to protect your customers’ sensitive data. Keep payment information secure by encrypting communication channels and securing databases.

    1. Integrate with payment processors

    Integrate your payment gateway with the Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) of payment processors and acquirers to facilitate transaction authorization and settlement.

    1. Perform a system test

    Test your system to identify and fix any bugs, security vulnerabilities, or performance issues by running unit, integration, and security testing.

    1. Obtain the necessary certifications and licenses

    Get the necessary licenses and certifications, such as PCI DSS compliance, to handle payment data legally and securely, minimizing fraud and data breach risks.

    1. Go into the live mode

    When the system is complete, deploy your payment gateway in a production environment and monitor its performance. Implement real-time monitoring, logging, and error tracking tools to identify and resolve issues promptly.

    1. Conduct ongoing maintenance

    Establish a plan for ongoing maintenance, updates, and support. Regularly update your payment gateway to eliminate security risks, comply with updated regulations, and improve functionality.

    Comparing payment gateway development services with white-label payment gateway

    Since developing a payment gateway requires careful planning, technical expertise, and ongoing commitment to security and compliance, businesses may explore out-of-the-box solutions offering advanced technologies. White-label payment gateways rank among the most prevalent of them.

    A white-label payment gateway is a brandable software developed by industry experts. It is a pre-built payment gateway equipped with advanced technologies and support for various payment integrations. When a customer partners with a white-label payment gateway provider, the system is rebranded with their brand identity and can be marketed and resold as their own.

    A major difference between a self-developed payment gateway and a white-label one is that the vendor handles a white-label payment system entirely. As the vendor handles all aspects, including development, maintenance, updates, and certifications, the customer is relieved of these responsibilities. This results in significant cost and resource savings that can be directed toward essential business processes, such as marketing and business expansion. Plus, the white-label payment gateway offers quick time-to-market, allowing the customer to start generating revenue from the first month of operation.

    Check out comprehensive information on a white-label payment gateway, its main benefits and drawbacks, and how to get started with one in our complete guide.

    A Complete Guide on White-Label Payment Gateway
    Read now

    Akurateco white-label payment gateway solution

    The pivotal factor in the success of your business utilizing a white-label payment gateway lies in the choice of a software vendor. Akurateco stands out as a well-established Fintech company providing a white-label payment gateway featuring integration with 330+ banks and payment providers. It incorporates various innovative features, such as intelligent payment routing, cascading, recurring payments, automated merchant onboarding, and more.

    With a global presence spanning Europe, the USA, the Middle East, North Africa, Latin America, and other regions worldwide, Akurateco facilitates the seamless expansion of services for its clients. By offering popular local and global payment integrations, Akurateco enables clients to extend their reach across the globe effortlessly. With a quick time to market up to a couple of weeks, clients can easily leverage Akurateco’s cutting-edge white-label payment gateway.

    Do you want to know more about a white-label payment gateway for your business?
    Check out its ready-to-use cutting-edge features and multiple payment integrations here.
    White-Label Payment Gateway

    In outline

    Taking on the journey of creating your own payment gateway demands careful consideration of the associated challenges and advantages. While independent customization offers unique benefits tailored to your business needs, the intricate development process, ongoing maintenance, and compliance requirements entail a great deal of finance and effort. However, those who would like to leverage an advanced, ready-made payment solution can opt for a white-label payment gateway.

    Would you like to explore a cutting-edge Akurateco White-Label Payment Gateway yourself?
    Book a Free Demo of the system with Akurateco's payment experts and discover how to use the technology to meet your business needs.
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